Read 5 Reasons to not get into a long term relationship in your early 20s

2 min readSep 8, 2021


Our 20s are an important time in our lives. This is when we learn about ourselves and try to find our place within the world. You are just entering adulthood and trying desperately to find a job.

In such circumstances, it is not a good idea to be in a relationship. This is the time to be present for ourselves and learn as individuals. It can be difficult to balance a long-term, serious relationship. These are just a few reasons why you shouldn’t get into a serious relationship during your 20s.

Are you not ready to make serious commitments?

You are still trying to become an adult and are not ready to make a commitment.

Are you still trying to figure out your way?

You are trying to find your purpose in life. This instability might make it difficult to find a partner.

How to choose your career

You can now focus on your career and develop professionally. This is the time for you to plan and explore your professional goals.

Now is the best time to travel and explore.

This is the best time to travel and meet new people. You can’t freely interact with people or live your life as you wish.

You are your focus

In your 20s, you should be focusing on your passions and interests. This is a time to learn about yourself and to find your purpose in life.

This Advice Given By MagnumStud

